CVS Health Branding Project:
Reusable Bag Design
Product Design
Brand Expression
Graphic Design
During my CVS Health internship, I was asked to design a line of reusable bags that focused on reinforcing the CVS Health brand image and promoted a sustainability message.
Brand initiatives and trends like BeautyIRL (in real life), CVS Health Hub, and #selfcare were asked to be included.
I started by gathering images of bags to inform my ideation process.
As this project is the property of CVS Health, it is copyright protected and their intellectual property. Please do not share this project in any form.

Visual Ideation
Many of the bags were ideated on alongside Sr. Copywriter, Brian Masefield. I really wanted to play with a heavy graphic style to push the messages that the brief asked for so we came up with a ton of copy that reflected a brand-centered expressiveness.
You can see my ideation sketches and initial ideas below.
Round One Mockups
Creating over 50 separate concepts, I wanted to present a great breadth of ideas in order to give the senior team a lot of options. While not all of them are represented here, these are some of the strongest concepts.
Final Concept #1: "REUSE REUSE REUSE" Bag
One idea that I came up with was "screaming" the sustainability message as loud as possible. Achieved through simple, repetitive elements, this bag quickly and effectively gets the message across.

Final Concept #2: "Do Your Part" Bag
This bag plays on the idea of the individual and how doing your own part in reusing and recycling can affect the sustainability movement. The little CVS heart represents the individual.

Final Concept #3: "This is my _____ bag"
In my brainstorm session with Brian, we came up with the idea of listing things that someone might "run to CVS" for. At the same time, it restates the importance of reusability in a positive light. It also subtly incorporates the beauty brand push with some of the items listed.